What Does Viewung Mean in Terns of Reading

Viewing Comprehension Strategies: Watching Videos Like You Read A Book

40 Viewing Comprehension Strategies: Watching Videos Like Y'all Read A Book

by Terry Heick

You can't lookout a video like you read a volume; the modalities couldn't be more different.

On the surface level a video uses lite, colour, sound, and moving images, with the potential for adding text and shape and color and calorie-free filters as overlays to communicate ideas, while the most basic text structures use alphanumeric symbols, paragraph and sentence structure, and an array of text features (e.g., white infinite, headings and subheadings, fonts, etc.) to convey their message.

At that place is much, much more to it than this. Videos are meant to be consumed in brusk bursts, while literature, for instance, is meant to be 'saturday with.' Videos are (often manic) sprints, while texts are (oft meandering) walks. Because of this very different tone and purpose equally a affair of pattern, it's unfair to criticize videos equally "less rigorous" than texts, just as it would be misleading to say that video is universally "more than engaging" than text (something I may or may not take said in the past). Information technology's more circuitous than that.

The Interaction Between Video & Text

Studies of the effectiveness of video in formal learning environments have yielded some confusing ideas, namely that content caused via video consumption doesn't easily transfer to the medium of text (Fisch 2002; Koran, Snow& McDonald 1971). This doesn't mean students aren't learning from the video (or the text for that matter), merely information technology rather suggests that the blueprint of each medium may bear on how the brain processes and stores the "lessons" from said medium, disrupting seamless transfer from 1 form to some other.

This suggests that video consumption would more readily transfer to video production, or even video as a means of assessment. Similarly, the reading of a text naturally transitions to text production and text-based assessment–or so some research suggests. How this works in your classroom is ideally a affair of your own experimentation, and a affair of vox and choice for the students. In lieu of these information, inter and intra-media interaction from texts, images, vocalism, video, and other existing and emerging digital and non-digital forms represents a meaning opportunity for innovation and creativity. Books, twitter, YouTube, poems, text messages, Meerkat, tweets, and other concrete and digital aesthetics all affair less in grade than they do in function–all stand for and enable nuanced idea expression.

Similar reading a text, video comprehension is a thing of decoding, but with different symbols based on unique modalities. Light, sound furnishings, scene cuts, dialogue, voice-overs, video speed, music, and more. How should students 'approach' a video? How should they watch one? What should they exercise when they're done? More largely, what viewing comprehension strategies should students employ to promote close viewing? What can they practise to increase comprehension and retentivity of video content and so that they are able to repackage meaning into other media forms?

Due to various content, mobile access, brownie with students, and temptingly passive consumption, video is a pedagogical goldmine. In fact, the YouTube model of content distribution has been so successful, nosotros took lessons from it final yr and applied them to academic content distribution in How To YouTube Your Classroom.

Below are a few possibilities, many of which you'll find apply to non-digital media as well.

A Notation About Pupil-Centering

Reading strategies, viewing strategies, thinking strategies–whatever 'strategy' should be student centered in pursuit of educatee-centered learning. One way to interpret this is to say that it should just be used if necessary, should be accessible and meaningful to the student, and ideally would exist selected by the student without prompting. See Readicide for a powerful argument of how we as teachers, while well-intentioned, can 'schoolify' reading and viewing and learning to the point that information technology's unrecognizable to anyone anywhere on the planet outside of the classroom, and brand students think they hate what they're doing in the process. This doesn't mean we tin't support students to use said strategies, merely blind strength-feeding will likely be self-defeating in the long run.

How The Viewing Comprehension Strategies Are Structured

The viewing comprehension strategies are organized in a Earlier-During-After structure, much like traditional reading strategies are. As with reading strategies, there is overlap from 1 office (e.g., Before Viewing) to some other (east.g., After Viewing). That is, some strategies tin can be used at different times, but we had to place them somewhere.

Each category has four anchor strategies. These are 'thinking templates' that can be used in multiple contexts and combinations. For example, "Predict' can be used in countless ways–predict the tone, predict the audience, predict the narrative, etc.)

These anchor strategies are the most universal, and thus the most flexible for utilise with different kinds of videos, in different content areas, and at different grade levels.


40 Viewing Comprehension Strategies That Help Students View Videos Like They Read Books

Before Viewing

Before viewing comprehension strategies that promote agreement of video and streaming content.

Anchor Strategies: Viewing Purpose, Preview, Predict, Connect

1. Prepare a viewing purpose

2. Predict (east.g., sequence of events, video creator's position on a given topic, etc.)

3. Preview video (editing conventions, length, title)

4. Identify media connections (e.g., I read a book on a related topic recently; I saw a tweet that described this same idea but in sarcastic terms, etc.)

5. Make True/False statements about full general video topic

6. Begin KWL chart

7. Roughly summarize (eastward.1000., what they know well-nigh topic. video creator, channel, etc.)

8. Concept map the video topic in a given or self-selected context

nine. Complete Anticipation Guide

ten. Create self-producedguiding questions

During Viewing

During viewing comprehension strategies that promote agreement of video and streaming content.

Anchor Strategies: Stop, Clarify, Question, Infer

11. Stop (or pause) the video while viewing based on viewer preference and monitoring of ain understanding

12. Rewind to clarify understanding or uncover subtle information/events

13. Rewatch video with new purpose and perspective

fourteen. Class relevant questions based on viewing

15. Analyze (eastward.g., information, bias, fact/opinion, 'author' position, etc.)

16. Monitor & Repair Understanding

17. Evaluate use of primary and secondary modalities

18. Make meaningful and personalized inferences (e.g., primary and secondary audiences)

xix. Infer underlying assumptions of video

20. Adjust viewing speed (i.east., apply deadening-motion) if available (east.g., physics videos)

After Viewing

After viewing comprehension strategies that promote understanding of video and streaming content.

21. Retell what happened;Paraphrase "standout" ideas

22. Summarize principal thought and key supporting details

23. Recall own thinking and/or emotions during video (metacognition)

24. Modality Analysis (e.g., identify and analyze prevailing modalities and their upshot)

25. Metric Analysis (eastward.thousand., to infer social context with respect to full views, currently watching, social shares, etc.)

26. Analyze idea organization of video

27. Create a give-and-take deject (e.g., that reflects diction, tone, theme, etc.); Tweet, comment on, blog, or otherwise socialize initial impressions in a fashion that reflects digital citizenship

28.Socialize extendedresponses (east.g., in writing, on social media, etc.)

29.Categorize information and perspectives

30. Separate explicit and implicit ideas

Extended Comprehension Strategies

Extendedcomprehension strategies are meant to provide extended learning around video and streaming content, as well as opportunities for more circuitous thinking most that content.

Ballast Strategies: Reflect, Create, Critique, Pattern

31. Reverberate on 'fit' of video with regards to Viewing Purpose

32. Compare & contrast video with similar video content

33. Create Anticipation Guide (for viewers who haven't seen video)

34. Identify 'large thought' of video

35. Critique video for which modalities supported video purpose and theme, and which seemed to distract

36. Roughly determine history of topic in similar and different media

37. RAFT thinking & extension (Role, Audience, Format, Topic/Theme)

38. Prioritize ideas & information from least to well-nigh of import

39. Distinguish between tone and mood of video

40. Design follow-up medium that extends and deepens purpose of video

twoscore Viewing Comprehension Strategies: Watching Videos Similar Y'all Read A Book


Source: https://www.teachthought.com/technology/viewing-comprehension-strategies/

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