Art History B Unit 1 Greece Gods and Glory

Jennifer Ocampo

Throughout history, art has been used as a language to limited a order's religious and cultural values. This is no dissimilar in ancient cultures such as Mesopotamia, Arab republic of egypt and Greece. Faith is such an important role of life for the primeval of civilizations. The belief in multiple gods provides answers for the people of these cultures. Information technology gave these people an incentive to provide and worship for their deities in order to obtain proper vegetation and happy lives. The gods were in control of their happiness—if they did not exercise what they were meant to do, the gods would punish them. If they did non perform the proper rituals, brand the correct sacrifices, or worship in the correct way, information technology could cause famine and lead to death.

Each of these deities has a purpose in these societies. Some are gods of state of war, some gods of the sun, and some are the gods of fertility and mankind. Throughout this exhibition of ancient polytheistic religions (and ane monotheistic i), we will larn about the part that each of these deities play part in. Beginning in Mesopotamia, we will explore first the patron goddess Inanna, the girl of Anu and in accuse of growth and vegetation. Adjacent we will explore farther into the Near East where their patron god is Shamash, the God of Justice. Nosotros volition and so travel to Akkad, habitation of the self-appointing god, Naram-Sin. After that we will travel to Egypt, where we will explore the traditional beliefs of Egyptian polytheism through the god Horus earlier diving into the monotheistic rule of Male monarch Akhenaten and the Aten. Next we will travel to Greece and learn about Athena, the goddess of war and patron deity of Athens. Finally nosotros will end with the ancient Romans, a guild that based their religious beliefs heavily on the Greek, and study their version of the sun god Apollo. Each of these regions has its own ways to worship its deities, and all of it is documented through art.

Inanna: The Goddess of Mesopotamia

Babylonian, Winged Goddess, called
Babylonian, Winged Goddess, called "Lillith" (Possibly Ishtar/Inanna), attended by owls and lions. 2025-1763 B.C.E., terracotta relief panel, 51 cm, Norman Colville Collection, London. Available from: ARTstor, (accessed 15 April 2015).

Inanna, also known as Ishtar or Astarte, is one of the deities heavily worshiped by the people of the Mesopotamian river valley, also known as the "black-headed" people. She goes by many names and is commonly accompanied by animals. She is the twin sis of the sun god Shamash and daughter of Anu, or Enki, and Aya. She came to more prestige as time went on, following the idol of her father. She is known for her lustful sexuality and often associated with the planet Venus. In the commodity "Ecology of the Erotic in a Myth of Inanna," she is described as being "queen of the night heaven where she flared equally a living torch, and she rules the solar day too, coming down to walk virtually in man form among her people (Grahn, 58)." The people of Mesopotamia worshipped her for being a fierce warrior and protector of her people, likewise as being the decider of the aboriginal civilization'southward political welfare. She is not "motherly" or "nurturing," but rather a provider for her people.

She was the patron deity of Uruk, 1 of the globe'south first civilizations of ancient Sumer and the largest city in the aboriginal globe at its absolute tiptop. Archeologists date the city of Uruk dorsum to around 4500 B.C.E. It is unknown where these people came from but they are the people who first invented a written language and utilise a pottery wheel. Found at the sights of ancient Mesopotamian urban center-states like Uruk and Babylon are vast amounts of pottery, seals, and archeological remains—many of which feature aboriginal deities known to those cultures, like Inanna.

There are many legends surrounding her. One of the lesser known is the legend of her encounter with the human being Su-kale-tuda. It is a story of one of her journeys on earth when she was inspecting her people. While napping nether a willow tree, she was ravaged by a blackness-headed youth. Later waking, Inanna realizes the horrifying truth of what has happened to her and immediately contemplates what to do about her attacker. She hunts him down for several days. When she does not find him immediately, she punished the people of Sumer by turning their water into her blood and refused to reenter her shrine until her attacker was handed to her. She eventually institute him and sentenced him to death., and the myth ends with praise sung to her. Information technology is important to annotation that the goddess is never self-pitying but merely outraged. She never complains of pain but only seeks vengeance (Grahn, 61). This myth is important to the people of Mesopotamia because information technology teaches them that she is the one who ultimately decides their fate. Information technology besides teaches the blackness-headed people to fear her, and to disrespect her virtue is unacceptable and punishable past death.

Inanna was believed to be in charge of keeping her land fertile and providing good for you vegetation for her people. She is as well a protector. The prototype provided shows a winged goddess, most probable Inanna, attended by owls and lions. It is right to assume that this image is of Inanna because she was the well-nigh worshipped goddess in Babylon at the fourth dimension this was made. Nearly of the legends that environs her happened when she was in her human grade inspecting the land. In this image, she is a goddess with wings. This image shows her in her most dutiful state. Like the legend of her and Su-kale-tuda, this image too shows us her reign over the aboriginal Sumerian people—as a goddess and someone way more powerful than them. She is one of the oldest deities in history, and she helps beginning a long tradition of polytheistic religions.

Shamash: The Patron God of Aboriginal Babylonia

Babylonian, The Code of Hammurabi. 1792-1750 B.C.E., engraved black basalt, 225 cm, The Louvre, Paris, France. Available from: ARTstor, (accessed 15 April 2015).
Babylonian, The Code of Hammurabi. 1792-1750 B.C.E., engraved black basalt, 225 cm, The Louvre, Paris, France. Available from: ARTstor, (accessed fifteen April 2015).

Shamash is the lord's day god in Mesopotamian culture. He is in charge of bringing light and warmth to his people, allowing crops to grow and flourish. He is the twin brother of the goddess Inanna and son of Anu (Enki) and Aya. He was nigh heavily worshipped in Babylon, where the Code of Hammurabi is believed to be a contract that was written in his favor. He had power of light over evil and was known as the god of justice for his people and governor of the universe. He too was in charge of overlooking the underworld and bestowed and light on his people. He was the corking conquerer of decease, ofttimes depicted flight around the heavens in his chariot, seeking justice and peace in all the lands. Different many of the deities in the ancient globe, he is rarely depicted in human form, but ever in his deified country (Britannica).

Babylon rose to power under the leadership of their great rex, Hammurabi, who began his reign effectually 1792 B.C.Due east. Hammurabi was a great king and conqueror and is most known for the creation of his lawmaking. The code is written in cuneiform, a series of line patterns and the world'south first written linguistic communication. In full it contains a prologue, 282 laws, and an epilogue. The prologue explains that the gods designated Hammurabi, mainly Shamash, to write down their laws. The laws covered all 3 levels of society in Babylon. The three levels included the upper-class free man, or the "awilum," the "mushkenum," who is free only non considered upper grade, and the slave, or "wardum." According to the Hammurabi code, each citizen was divided by course and is treated to the punishment of that class. All people of Babylon were entitled to court hearings by a approximate and an appeal to the king. The rules varied—some dealt with agriculture, property rights, business, or the rights of slaves; others dealt with stock-still wages, prescribed duties, and personal rights. "An eye for an center" is peradventure Hammurabi'southward most popular law and is still highly referenced to this 24-hour interval. Many rules revolved around the crowing of crops and referred to both landowners and tenant farmers. At the time, both women and slaves were believed to be the personal property of gratis men, just women were surprisingly liable to certain rights and benefits under Hammurabi's code. Slaves likewise had the ability to buy back their liberty, exist adopted as freed people, and marry free women. Although Hammurabi'due south code was not the offset of its kind, it was the grandest and most detailed (Kruger).

"Shamash was not only the god of justice but also governor of the whole universe (Britannica)." He was the ultimate approximate. Hammurabi'south Lawmaking was given to him from the god Shamash. As shown at the told of the eight-foot-tall stele, Shamash presents him with the laws and they are recorded on the surface below. In the item featured on the tiptop of the stele of Hammurabi'due south code, the god is pictured belongings the symbols of justice and righteousness, a staff and a ring. Aboriginal Babylonians believed that the Shamash decided their fate and fabricated their laws. He controlled the consequences of their behaviors for the living and in the afterlife after decease. Fine art historians are very lucky to have found this antiquity. Not but does it present the first form of written linguistic communication, it also provides a look into ancient Babylonian club, regime, culture, and religion. With the addition of Shamash presenting Hammurabi with the codes, we can see the importance that the god had on aboriginal Babylonian people.

Naram-Sin: The Cocky-Proclaimed Deity of Akkad

Sumero-Akkadian, Victory Stele of the Akkadian King Naram-Sin. 2220-2184 B.C.E., limestone, 6 feet, 6 inches, Louvre, Paris, France. Available from: ARTstor, (accessed 15 April 2015).
Sumero-Akkadian, Victory Stele of the Akkadian King Naram-Sin. 2220-2184 B.C.E., limestone, 6 anxiety, 6 inches, Louvre, Paris, French republic. Bachelor from: ARTstor, (accessed fifteen Apr 2015).

Although Akkadian King Naram-Sin is non technically a Mesopotamian deity, he is recognized in this exhibition for his self-proclaimed god condition. This status is shown in his figural representation on the Victory Stele of Naram-Sin, including his size, dress, and full general nature, and as well in his descriptions of his own status. The Akkadian Empire came to power roughly around 2334 B. C. E. after Sargon the Bang-up, Naram-Sin's granddaddy, sacked the urban center of Ur. Co-ordinate to the Sumerian Male monarch Listing, there were v rulers of Akkad: Sargon, Rimush, Manishtusu, Naram-Sin, and Shar-Kali-Sharri, who maintained the Akkadian dynasty for 142 years before it collapsed around 2083 B. C. E. Naram Sin ruled from 2260-2223 B. C. E. Previously, the rulers of Mesopotamian regions considered themselves to exist servants of the gods—higher up and more holy and legitimate than their people merely still answering to the needs of the deities. He dubbed himself the Male monarch of the Universe and is considered past many historians to be the last great conqueror of Akkad.

Mears writes, "Naram-Sin was a ruthless and bright ruler who aspired to the greatness of his grandfather, Sargon the Great. Naram-Sin began his 36-year reign by defeating another rebellious coalition of Sumerian and neighboring kings in hoping to take advantage of the turmoil of succession (Mears, 51)." This is shown in the paradigm in a higher place of him defeating his enemy. He conquered many regions afterwards coming into power, many of which were regions that in one case belonged to Akkad before 1 of the kings before him lost control of the empire. His conquests expanded all effectually the Mediterranean, and many of them were acquired past using violent and ruthless military machine tactics. He eventually went too far later on sacking the holy urban center of Nippur when trying to subside a defection from its people. The revolt led to a divide betwixt Naram-Sin'southward army and the people revolting, and he eventually fell from power. This event is known every bit "The Expletive of Agade (Mears, 52)."

During his rule, a new relationship between ruler and deity started to form. The rulers and deities started to wait more equal. On the Victory Stele of Naram-Sin, the king is shown equally a great conquistador. He has just won a battle against the Lullubi army and is sleighing the concluding enemy. He is larger than the rest of the people in the image, standing at the top of the mountain and basking in the sunrays of the gods. he is as well wearing a horned crown on his head, which is a garment usually reserved for the gods in most figural depictions of this time. This epitome is an example of change in Akkadian fine art. After this, particularly in ancient Egyptian fine art, rulers seem to take a deified nature in many of their depictions. This paradigm is the kickoff one to do then. He eventually presented himself with the title, "Naram-Sin, the mighty, God of Agade, Rex of the 4 Quarters (Mears, 52)." This self-deified proclamation was said to have offended the gods and so much that information technology ultimately led to Naram-Sin's defeat.

The depiction of a rex in this fashion was an art historical milestone. It represented a bang-up modify. The kings no longer had to remain mortal, but at present had the ability to deify themselves. Naram-Sin was worshiped similar a god for a long fourth dimension before his following macerated, he was glorified by his people as a powerful immortal, and he was well respected by priests and Akkadian citizens. It is possible that he only causeless the function of deity for political purposes, but information technology even so was a very bold motion.

Horus: The Egyptian God of Sun and Heaven

Egyptian, Temple of Horus, Horus of Behdet slaying Seth in Form of Hippo. 4-1 centuries B.C.E., relief, Edfu, Egypt. Available from: ARTstor, (accessed 15 April 2015).
Egyptian, Temple of Horus, Horus of Behdet slaying Seth in Form of Hippo. 4-1 centuries B.C.Eastward., relief, Edfu, Egypt. Available from: ARTstor, (accessed 15 April 2015).

Horus is arguably the most well-known and powerful deity of Ancient Egypt. He is the son of Osiris and Isis and was believed to be the god of the lord's day and the sky, besides every bit in charge of Egyptian kingship. He is ofttimes depicted every bit a man with a falcon'south body, or in the case of the image provided, a full falcon. His right center was said to be the sun, or morning time star, and his left eye was the moon, or evening star. He is known for the legend of his 80-year-long battle over the rule of Arab republic of egypt with his uncle, Set (or Seth), following the expiry of his father Osiris.

There are many version of the story of the boxing between Set and Horus. The most complete recount of these battle comes from a surviving papyrus written during the reign of Ramses V. Legend has it that Set up killed Osiris by cutting him up into many pieces and throwing his body parts into various spots downward the Nile River. Ready was the god of chaos and devastation—he was selfish, ruthless, and uncaring. When the ii approach the sun god Re about who should take over rule of Egypt, Re does not believe that Horus is mature enough and too inexperienced to take on such a responsibility. He believes that Osiris's brother, who is ironically besides his murderer, is far more suited for the position. Re asks for aid from Nieth, the goddess of cosmos, to tell him who is best suited. She responds that Horus is the ameliorate fit, only in return he should grant Set two of his to be Ready's wives. Afterward this, Re is still non convinced. The two petition for the leadership of Egypt for many years. Horus'southward female parent, Isis, tries to help past tricking Gear up into proverb that her son is the rightful heir. Fix continually challenges Horus to many duels, and at 1 point Horus challenges Gear up to a river race, where Horus cheats without success. Finally, after many years of unresolved conflict, Osiris writes to Re and threatens to kill all human and gods and ship them to the underworld if the two practice not subside. Re declares Horus king, and allows Fix to come with him to the sky. Set and then becomes the god of thunder and storms (A Hussein).

These legends are non merely documented on papyrus, but too on the walls of ancient Egyptian temples. The image shown in a higher place was found in the Temple of Horus, and it depicts a scene in which Horus is fighting Set during i of their many battles; Set is in the form of a hippopotamus. This is possibly the battle between the ii that took place in the river. The two fought under water for three months, transformed as hippopotami, until the two eventually subside in order to residue. It could also be a depiction of when Fix and Horus are competing in a river race; the ii were supposed to both race on boats fabricated of stone. Horus cheats by making his out of woods and disguising it as stone. When Set up's boat sinks and he realizes that his nephew cheated him, he transforms into a hippopotamus and destroys Horus'due south wooden gunkhole.

One of the many great things about Egyptian mythology is that there are so many legends and stories so many gods to write about, and information technology is reflected in the art. It is clear how devoted the Egyptians were to their religion. They believed that keeping their deities happy was a necessity for a fulfilling afterlife. Wall cartoon such as this i reflected their legends, and it gives historians a chance to dive into these ancient cultures.

The Aten: The Monotheistic God of Egypt

Egyptian; Armarna, King or Queen offering to the Aten. 1345-1335 B.C.E., limestone, 23.8 cm x 44.5 cm, The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Available from: ARTstor, (accessed 15 April 2015).
Egyptian; Armarna, King or Queen offer to the Aten. 1345-1335 B.C.East., limestone, 23.8 cm ten 44.5 cm, The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Available from: ARTstor, (accessed 15 April 2015).

The Aten, also known equally Aton, is the sun god of the monotheistic religion created in Egypt by the pharaoh Akhenaton (originally Amenhotep IV) called Atenism. Atenism is constantly referred to as a cult of the dominicus and sun disks. He is depicted in Egyptian art as what appears to be human hands, representative of sunrays. He is believed to be developed from the traditional Egyptian sun-god Re. In the Atom Hymn, found in one of Akhenaton'southward tombs, describes the new organized religion:

"Men had slept similar the dead; now they lift their arms in praise, birds wing, fish spring, plants bloom, and work begins. Aton creates the son in the mother's womb, the seed in men, and has generated all life. He has distinguished the races, their natures, tongues, and skins, and fulfills the needs of all. Aton made the Nile in Egypt and pelting, like a heavenly Nile, in foreign countries. He has a million forms co-ordinate to the time of day and from where he is seen; yet he is e'er the aforementioned (Britannica)."

The Swell Hymn to the Aten was most probable written by Akhenaten himself. There are many inscriptions of this verse form, the most complete of which located in the tomb of Male monarch Tutankhamun's successor, Ay. (At that place are some theories that Tutankhamun was Akhenaten'south son and took the throne direct later his expiry). When made pharaoh, King Akhenaton devoted all of his time to worship the Aton and even went so far equally to erase all imagery and writings of any previous notions towards a polytheistic religion in Egypt. He moves the capital from Thebes and builds the city of Akhetaten where the Aten is to be heavily worshipped. This idea of a monotheistic belief system dramatically alters the whole fabric of Egyptian religion. It does not, however, last very long after Akhenaten's death. After he dies the original gods are redeemed and Akhenaten's city is abased.

Before Akhenaten's reign, aboriginal Egyptians believed that all of the universe's elements—the dominicus, the moon, the rivers, air, etc.—were actually multiple gods. They believed that the gods controlled things like weather and storms depending on their moods. When Amenhotep IV was made ruler of Egypt, he took his country in a whole new management past introducing ane single deity. He declared the Aten the simply god, and even changed his name to mean "effective for the Aten (R Hussein)." Dissimilar many of the gods from traditional Egyptian mythology, the Aten is not a god that takes human class, merely is the actual calorie-free in the world surrounding united states of america. The physical rays of sun were believed to exist the God himself touching his people. Unlike traditional temples meant for the gods, the Aten's temple was opened at the roof so that his worshippers could exist touched by his light when entering the temple. Akhenaten wasn't only the king of Egypt, just the high priest of the Aten as well.

Images of the Aten are often consistent of three parts—the easily of the Aten, Akhenaten and/or his married woman Nefertiti receiving the symbol of like, called the "ankh," and the Aten's worshippers. In the prototype provided, the paradigm shows the Aten, represented past multiple easily, presenting either Akhenaten or Nefertiti with the ankh. It is merely a fragment of the original so it is unclear whether or not Atenism worshippers were originally depicted in the epitome. This image is and so of import considering shows the clear devotion that the rex or queen has for this deity and how willing Akhenaten was to completely altar an entire country'southward belief organization that had existed for hundreds of years before him.

Athena: Goddess of Wisdom and War Strategy

Greek, Athens, Athena frp, Acropolis. 550-520 B.C.E., gol sculpture, Ethnikon Archaiologikon Mouseion, Greece. Available from: ARTstor, (accessed 15 April 2015).
Greek, Athens, Athena frp, Acropolis. 550-520 B.C.Eastward., gol sculpture, Ethnikon Archaiologikon Mouseion, Greece. Available from: ARTstor, (accessed 15 April 2015).

Ancient Hellenic republic came out of the night ages effectually 1200-800 B.C.Eastward. and lasted until the Romans took over in 146 B.C.Eastward. Greek civilization is known for many things, specially fine art and architecture as well every bit Greek mythology. The Greeks believed that the gods lived all effectually them. Athena is a goddess of many things. She is the goddess of wisdom, justice, war strategy, the arts, and many more. She is the patron goddess of Athens and worshipped by many throughout Greece and Italy. The people of Athens chose her to be their patron goddess for her strength, cunning, and armed forces tactics and dedicated the Parthenon to her. She was believed to be the favorite of Zeus's children, born without a mother in the grade of a headache on her father'southward forehead. She is extremely powerful. She is the strongest of all of the female person goddesses in Greek mythology, and is very heavily worshipped. Greek mythology was adopted and altered by the Romans afterwards they took over. The Greeks worshipped many gods, but there were twelve major gods that they worshipped the most. The Twelve Olympians of Mount Olympus consisted of Zeus, the god of the sky and justice; Hera, the goddess of marriage and Zeus'due south wife/sister; Poseidon, of the sea and brother of Zeus; Demeter, the goddess of the harvest; Apollo, the god of music and prophecy; Artemis, the goddess of the hunt; Ares, the god of war; Aphrodite, the goddess of honey; Hephaestus, the god of fire; Hermes, the trickster and messenger for his father, Zues; Hestia, the goddess of hearth and home, too every bit one of the original Olympians; and finally, Athena, goddess of wisdom and war strategy. Zeus is the king of these gods (Johnson).
Athena was never reproduced, and was after identified with virginity. Most of what we know near Greek and Roman deities comes from Homer's novels, such every bit the Iliad and the Odyssey. In the Iliad, Athena fought alongside her boyfriend Greek heroes. Athena assorted very heavily with Ares, the god of War, in many ways. Athena was not only tough and unsafe; she was as well intelligent and civilized. She sought justice, as where Ares more often than not cared for claret lust. Her heroic qualities were found on her breastplate that she often wore into boxing—fright, strife, defence, and assail. She also appears in the Odyssey equally the master deity of Odysseus. She is responsible for profitable Odysseus in returning home from the war (Johnson).

Athena is most widely worshipped in the urban center of Athens, which was named subsequently her. Legend says that Athena and Poseidon competed to get patron deity of the city before it was named. The contest was for each deity to present the metropolis with a gift, and the better offer wins. Poseidon provided a well, but the h2o was salty and information technology was therefore no use to the people of the urban center. Athena was cunning, and she eventually outwitted Poseidon for the title of patron goddess past planting an olive tree, a food in which to this day Greeks cannot live without. Poseidon was not happy with the results and cursed the city. The people of Athens then build the Acropolis, a monument on elevation of a colina in Athens defended to the goddess herself (Murrin).

This image provided is of a sculpture that was found at the Acropolis. Information technology is important considering it shows the states what devotion the Greeks had to their deities and how intensely they worshipped them. There is so much care and craft in this sculpture. In the Parthenon, located inside the Acropolis, there was a very large sculpture of Athena and a narrative frieze that wrapped all the way around. These Athenians worshipped their patron goddess so fiercely that they build a whole complex of compages and narrative art just for her. This image provided is simply the tip of the iceberg establish inside.

Apollo: The God of Music and Prophecy

Roman, after Praxiteles or one of his pupils, Apollo Lykeios. 330 B.C.E., marble statue, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. Available from: ARTstor, (accessed 15 April 2015).
Roman, afterward Praxiteles or one of his pupils, Apollo Lykeios. 330 B.C.E., marble statue, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. Available from: ARTstor, (accessed xv April 2015).

The Romans adopted the Twelve Olympians later, and the names changed to Jupiter, Juno, Neptune, Ceres, Mars, Mercury, Vulcan, Venus, Minerva, Diana, and Vesta. Apollo's is one of the very few original Greek deities whose name does not change when translated into Roman mythology. He is so universally known that his proper noun does not demand to change (Johnson).

Like Athena, Apollo is the god of many things—music, art, poetry, dominicus, light, medicine, oracles, noesis etc. He is maybe the well-nigh highly recognized Greek god after his father, Zeus. Zeus and his mother, Leto, met when they both took shape as birds and conceived Apollo and his twin sis Artemis, goddess of the hunt. He is known for protecting his people by shooting their enemies with his bow and arrows. He is the ideal, the "kouros", in Greek and Roman art of this time that many artists based the perfect human model after. He was "the god of divine distance, who sent or threatened from afar; the god who made men enlightened of their own guilt and purified them from it; who presided over religious law and the constitutions of cities; who communicated with mortals through prophets and oracles his knowledge of the time to come and the will of his father, Zeus (Britannica)." Other than Zeus, he was the god of all gods. The other gods were said to fear him, and he was by far the most worshipped god during the Hellenic menstruation with many cults devoted to worshipping him. Even today many people travel to sites known to Apollo, such as the famous Oracle at Delphi, to "seek communication on matters such every bit state of war and personal affairs (Johnson)."

Apollo had many honey interests, most famously with Daphne, and punished them fiercely when they rejected him. Artemis, Apollo'southward twin, shot Coronis, and Cassandra was forced to tell true prophecies that appeared to be untrue after she refused his advances. The story of Apollo and Daphne is very popular in Greek and Roman mythology. Subsequently teasing Hermes nigh his archery skills, Hermes gets his revenge by shooting Apollo with a gilt beloved arrow; this forces him to autumn in honey with the nymph, Daphne, who is struck with an opposite pointer by Hermes and is therefore not interested in him. She wishes to be a virgin for the rest of her life like Artemis, Apollo'southward twin sis. Apollo continues to chase her, only when he finally catches upwards to her, she is turned into a laurel tree. Later on this, Apollo declares that he volition always habiliment a crown of laurel on his head to remind him of his precious Daphne (Johnson).

Apollo is not only very important to the foundation of Greek and Roman mythology, merely is as well important to ancient Greek and Roman art history. Apollo is very often the symbol of the kouros, or the platonic human figure. The kouros is represented as a young, standing male very closely related to that of typical Egyptian figures. The hint of the Egyptian was very evident in early Greek kouros statues, but became less and less axiomatic as fourth dimension went on (Britannica). In the epitome provided, Apollo does non appear to be frontal and rigid, but rather in a more than relaxed pose. He is full of action and gesture like after depictions of Greek deities, just he is well past the days of standing stock-still in unnatural poses. This afterwards pose was adopted by Roman fine art, as depicted in the image provided.

Works Cited

Grahn, Judy. "Ecology of the erotic in a myth of Inanna." International Journal of Transpersonal Studies 29, no. ii (January 1, 2010): 58-67. ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials, EBSCOhost, (accessed April xiv, 2015).

Kruger, Chaddie. "Hammurabi and his Code for Success." Calliope 11, no. 3 (November 2000): eleven. MasterFILE Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed April xiv, 2014).

Shamash. Encyclopedia Britannica Research Starters, EBSCOhost (accessed April twenty, 2015).

Mears, Douglas. "The First Peachy Conquistador." Military History 19, no. 4 (Oct 2002): 47. MasterFILE Premier, EBSCOhost (hosted April 20, 2015).

Hussein, Angela Murock. "Horus the Avenger." Calliope 22, no. one (September 2011): viii. MasterFILE Premeir, EBSCOhost (accessed April 14, 2015)

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"Aton | Egyptian God." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Accessed April 16, 2015.

Murrin, Michael. "Athena and Telemachus." International Journal of the Classical Tradition xiii, no. 4 (Spring 2007): 499-515. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost, (accessed April 16, 2015).

"Athena." Encyclopedia Britannica (September 2014): Inquiry Starters, EBSCOhost (accessed April 20, 2015

Johnson, Judy A. "Religion and Mythology in Ancient Hellenic republic." Salem Press EncyclopediaResearch Starters, EBSCO host, (accessed April 20, 2015).

"Apollo." Encyclopedia Britannica (September 2014): Research Starters, EBSCOhost (accessed April 20, 2015)

"Kouros." Encyclopedia Britannica (September 2014): Enquiry Starters, EBSCOhost (accessed April xx, 2015)

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